Sonntag, 20. September 2009

A Visit to "Botanica" and "Höhenrausch"

Botanica ...

And Höhenrausch ... A nice view over Linz

Sonntag, 13. September 2009

Dienstag, 1. September 2009

Montag, 31. August 2009

Another time in Tuscany

View from Pienza

Just around the corner of our flat...

I know it is not sooo new for Venice, but - whoa - is this beautiful!

Sonntag, 3. Mai 2009

A Visit to the Almsee

Want to go fishing there - but he is the only one who may...

A very rare "Wiesenenzian"

old favorites ... macro of moss

simply beautiful...

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

Engelberg Labor Seminar 2009

Fog is retreating in the morning.

The sun behind the clouds.

At the Titlis. A beautiful view!